;(function( $, window, document, undefined ) { "use strict"; // cross browser request animation frame if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) { window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() { return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function( /* function FrameRequestCallback */ callback, /* DOMElement Element */ element ) { window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 ); }; } )(); } var qrr, // our qrcode reader singletone instance QRCodeReader = function() {}; $.qrCodeReader = { jsQRpath: "../dist/js/jsQR/jsQR.min.js", beepPath: "../dist/audio/beep.mp3", instance: null, defaults: { // single read or multiple readings/ multiple: false, // only triggers for QRCodes matching the regexp qrcodeRegexp: /./, // play "Beep!" sound when reading qrcode successfully audioFeedback: true, // in case of multiple readings, after a successful reading, // wait for repeatTimeout milliseconds before trying for the next lookup. // Set to 0 to disable automatic re-tries: in such case user will have to // click on the webcam canvas to trigger a new reading tentative repeatTimeout: 1500, // target input element to fill in with the readings in case of successful reading // (newline separated in case of multiple readings). // Such element can be specified as jQuery object or as string identifier, e.g. "#target-input" target: null, // in case of multiple readings, skip duplicate readings skipDuplicates: true, // color of the lines highlighting the QRCode in the image when found lineColor: "#FF3B58", // In case of multiple readings, function to call when pressing the OK button (or Enter), // in such case read QRCodes are passed as an array. // In case of single reading, call immediately after the successful reading // (in the latter case the QRCode is passed as a single string value) callback: function(code) {} } }; QRCodeReader.prototype = { constructor: QRCodeReader, init: function () { // build the HTML qrr.buildHTML(); qrr.scriptLoaded = false; qrr.isOpen = false; // load the script performing the actual QRCode reading $.getScript( $.qrCodeReader.jsQRpath, function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) { if ( jqxhr.status == 200) { qrr.scriptLoaded = true; } else { console.error("Error loading QRCode parser script"); }; }); }, // build the HTML interface of the widget buildHTML: function() { qrr.bgOverlay = $('
'); qrr.container = $('
'); qrr.closeBtn = $('×') qrr.closeBtn.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.okBtn = $('CERRAR'); qrr.alertasResult = $('
'); qrr.TitlealertasResult = $('
'); qrr.loadingMessage = $('
🎥 Unable to access video stream (please make sure you have a webcam enabled)
'); qrr.canvas = $(''); qrr.audio = $(''); qrr.outputDiv = $('
'); qrr.outputNoData = $('
No QR code detected.
'); qrr.outputData = $(''); qrr.outputNoData.appendTo(qrr.outputDiv); //qrr.outputData.appendTo(qrr.outputDiv); qrr.alertasResult.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.TitlealertasResult.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.loadingMessage.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.canvas.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.outputDiv.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.audio.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.okBtn.appendTo(qrr.container); qrr.bgOverlay.appendTo(document.body); qrr.bgOverlay.on("click", qrr.close); qrr.closeBtn.on("click", qrr.close); qrr.container.appendTo(document.body); qrr.video = document.createElement("video"); }, // draw a line drawLine: function(begin, end, color) { var canvas = qrr.canvas[0].getContext("2d"); canvas.beginPath(); canvas.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y); canvas.lineTo(end.x, end.y); canvas.lineWidth = 4; canvas.strokeStyle = color; canvas.stroke(); }, // draw a rectangle around a matched QRCode image drawBox: function(location, color) { qrr.drawLine(location.topLeftCorner, location.topRightCorner, color); qrr.drawLine(location.topRightCorner, location.bottomRightCorner, color); qrr.drawLine(location.bottomRightCorner, location.bottomLeftCorner, color); qrr.drawLine(location.bottomLeftCorner, location.topLeftCorner, color); }, // merge the options with the element data attributes and then save them setOptions: function (element, options) { // data-attributes options var dataOptions = { multiple: $(element).data("qrr-multiple"), qrcodeRegexp: new RegExp($(element).data("qrr-qrcode-regexp")), audioFeedback: $(element).data("qrr-audio-feedback"), repeatTimeout: $(element).data("qrr-repeat-timeout"), target: $(element).data("qrr-target"), skipDuplicates: $(element).data("qrr-skip-duplicates"), lineColor: $(element).data("qrr-line-color"), callback: $(element).data("qrr-callback") } // argument options override data-attributes options options = $.extend( {}, dataOptions, options); // extend defaults with options var settings = $.extend( {}, $.qrCodeReader.defaults, options); // save options in the data attributes $(element).data("qrr", settings); }, // get the options from the element the reader is attached getOptions: function (element) { qrr.settings = $(element).data("qrr"); }, // open the QRCode reader interface open: function () { // prevent multiple opening if (qrr.isOpen) return; // get options for the current called element qrr.getOptions(this); // show the widget qrr.bgOverlay.show(); qrr.container.slideDown(); // initialize codes container qrr.codes = []; // initialize interface qrr.outputNoData.show(); qrr.outputData.empty(); qrr.outputData.hide(); if (qrr.settings.multiple) { qrr.okBtn.show(); qrr.okBtn.off("click").on("click", qrr.doneReading); } else { qrr.okBtn.hide(); } // close on ESC, doneReading on Enter if multiple $(document).on('keyup.qrCodeReader', function(e) { if(e.keyCode === 27) { qrr.close(); } if (qrr.settings.multiple && e.keyCode === 13) { qrr.doneReading(); } }); qrr.isOpen = true; if (qrr.scriptLoaded) { // start the business qrr.start(); } }, // get the camera, show video, start searching qrcode in the stream start: function() { // Use {facingMode: environment} to attempt to get the front camera on phones navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { facingMode: "environment" } }).then(function(stream) { qrr.video.srcObject = stream; qrr.video.setAttribute("playsinline", true); // required to tell iOS safari we don't want fullscreen qrr.video.play(); qrr.startReading(); }); }, // start continuously searching qrcode in the video stream startReading: function() { qrr.requestID = window.requestAnimationFrame(qrr.read); }, // done with reading QRcode doneReading: function() { var value = qrr.codes[0]; // fill in the target element if (qrr.settings.target) { if (qrr.settings.multiple) { var value = qrr.codes.join("\n"); } $(qrr.settings.target).val(value); } // call a callback if (qrr.settings.callback) { try { if (qrr.settings.multiple) { qrr.settings.callback(qrr.codes); } else { qrr.settings.callback(value); } } catch(err) { console.error(err); } } // close the widget qrr.close(); }, // search for a QRCode read: function() { var codeRead = false; var canvas = qrr.canvas[0].getContext("2d"); qrr.loadingMessage.text("⌛ Loading video..."); qrr.canvas.off("click.qrCodeReader", qrr.startReading); if (qrr.video.readyState === qrr.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) { qrr.loadingMessage.hide(); qrr.canvas.removeClass("hidden"); qrr.canvas[0].height = qrr.video.videoHeight; qrr.canvas[0].width = qrr.video.videoWidth; canvas.drawImage(qrr.video, 0, 0, qrr.canvas[0].width, qrr.canvas[0].height); var imageData = canvas.getImageData(0, 0, qrr.canvas[0].width, qrr.canvas[0].height); // this performs the actual QRCode reading var code = jsQR(imageData.data, imageData.width, imageData.height, { inversionAttempts: "dontInvert", }); // a QRCode has been found if (code && qrr.settings.qrcodeRegexp.test(code.data)) { // draw lines around the matched QRCode qrr.drawBox(code.location, qrr.settings.lineColor); codeRead = true; qrr.codes.push(code.data); qrr.outputNoData.hide(); qrr.outputData.show(); // play audio if requested if (qrr.settings.audioFeedback) { qrr.audio[0].play(); if (localStorage.getItem('is_control_asistence_dni') !== undefined && localStorage.getItem('is_control_asistence_dni')) { var identidd = localStorage.getItem("is_control_asistence_dni") }else{ var identidd = localStorage.getItem("auth") } var parametros = {"data":code.data,"reques":"asistent", "consulta":identidd}; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'https://app.gppcloud.com/api/QrReques?token=cd06bebb30149b75a7343ec28b3f2447', data: parametros, beforeSend: function(objeto){ $('#qrr-output').html('Procesando......'); }, success:function(data){ var json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.code == 1) { var jonnewParse = JSON.parse(json.lista); var trampas = ''; for (var i = 0; i < jonnewParse.length; i++) { if (jonnewParse[i].turno == '_e_m') { var tnuenvo = 'Entrada en la mañana '; }else if(jonnewParse[i].turno == '_s_m'){ var tnuenvo = 'Salida en la Mañana'; }else if(jonnewParse[i].turno == '_e_t'){ var tnuenvo = 'Entrada en la Tarde'; }else if(jonnewParse[i].turno == '_s_t'){ var tnuenvo = 'Salida en la tarde Tarde'; }else{ var tnuenvo = ''; } trampas += '

TURNO: '+tnuenvo+'

Hora: '+jonnewParse[i].hora+'
' } $('#qrr-loading-tile').html('Informacion de asistencia'+ trampas); $('#qrr-loading-result').html('


'); $('#qrr-canvas').css("display","none"); $('#qrr-loading-message').css("display","none"); }else{ $('#qrr-loading-result').html('


'); } $('#qrr-output').css("display","none"); } }); //$('#qrr-overlay').css("display","none"); //$('#qrr-container').css("display","none"); //alert(code.data); } // read multiple codes if (qrr.settings.multiple) { // avoid duplicates if(qrr.settings.skipDuplicates) { qrr.codes = $.unique(qrr.codes); } // show our reading $('
').text(code.data).appendTo(qrr.outputData); qrr.outputDiv[0].scrollTop = qrr.outputDiv[0].scrollHeight; // read again by clicking on the canvas qrr.canvas.on("click.qrCodeReader", qrr.startReading); // repeat reading after a timeout if (qrr.settings.repeatTimeout > 0) { setTimeout(qrr.startReading, qrr.settings.repeatTimeout); } else { qrr.loadingMessage.text("Click on the image to read the next QRCode"); qrr.loadingMessage.show(); } // single reading } else { qrr.doneReading(); } } } if (!codeRead) { qrr.startReading(); } }, close: function() { // cancel the refresh function if (qrr.requestID) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(qrr.requestID); } // unbind keyboard $(document).off('keyup.qrCodeReader'); // stop the video if (qrr.video.srcObject) { qrr.video.srcObject.getTracks()[0].stop(); } // hide the GUI qrr.canvas.addClass("hidden"); qrr.loadingMessage.show(); qrr.bgOverlay.hide(); qrr.container.hide(); qrr.isOpen = false; } }; $.fn.qrCodeReader = function ( options ) { // Instantiate the plugin only once (singletone) in the page: // when called again (or on a different element), we simply re-set the options // and display the QrCode reader interface with the right options. // Options are saved in the data attribute of the bound element. if(!$.qrCodeReader.instance) { qrr = new QRCodeReader(); qrr.init(); $.qrCodeReader.instance = qrr; } return this.each(function () { qrr.setOptions(this, options); $(this).off("click.qrCodeReader").on("click.qrCodeReader", qrr.open); }); }; }( jQuery, window, document ));